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Upload data to M3G

In the Bash shell, one could use a command-line such curl to access M3G API: it acts as an HTTP client and allows you to send requests and display/store the corresponding responses.

PUT to update the firmware section in the sitelog of a given station

Let's look at a quick test example on how to update/change the firmware section of station (given its 9-character id). Indeed, if one has a look at the M3G API documentation, the required argument are the id aka the station 9-characters id and the records that will be changed as key/values pairs: the name of the person who is allowed to change the site log (updateMadeBy), the new firmware version (changedTo) and the date.

To do this, one needs choose a station belonging to his/her agency and first get authorized. You need the "Application access token". Let's pick the station BRUX00BEL and let's say I'd like to change the version of its firmware to '5.3.1'.

One would need to pass some data, in json format e.g. stored in the file firmware.json:

    "updateMadeBy": "Carine Bruyninx",
    "endOfTheLastSection": "2020-09-30T09:35Z",
    "changedTo": "5.3.1",
    "startOfTheNewSection": "2020-09-30T09:36Z"

where the name of the person appearing as updateMadeBy must correspond to one of the contacts already set up in the My agency page in M3G (see figure above).

Then, via curl:

curl -i -X PUT "" -H  "accept: application/json" -H  "Authorization: Bearer xxx.." -H  "Content-Type: application/json" -d @firmware.json

where xxx.. is your "Application access token". The option -i will allow you to get back some useful information about your HTTP request, including HTTP response status code (defined by HTTP standards) e.g. 200 for a successful request:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2020 09:39:55 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS) OpenSSL/1.0.2k-fips
Vary: Accept
Set-Cookie: _csrf=8fcbeb32215f670ee60463f6276a160c385a199d5e096863abc43c8bb5e8d782a%3A2%3A%7Bi%3A0%3Bs%3A5%3A%22_csrf%22%3Bi%3A1%3Bs%3A32%3A%22RsJfDHRXLUxqkdYTqnxwE9oRysUseDiE%22%3B%7D; path=/; HttpOnly
Content-Length: 590
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8


In the output information above, you also get the links to download the updated site log in various format e.g.